AN ELDERLY man died this morning after being hit by a lorry on the A44 near Woodstock.

Witnesses said the man walked out into the road near the Duke of Marlborough Pub at the Woodley turn.

One nearby worker who asked not to be named said: "An elderly gentleman was hit by a lorry fatally at about 11am.

"It was horrible, the lorry was a big, 40ft arctic truck.

"It just looks like it was a very sad accident. There are a couple of bus stops either side of the road there."

Woodstock resident Kathleen Coulon, 74, said she was "shocked" by the incident, which took place only a week after a  collision on the same road, which left a 21-year-old woman with serious head injuries.

Mrs Coulon said: "I'm incredibly sad to hear about what happened.

"It's the second time in a few weeks this area has gone through an incident of this kind.

"As a slightly more senior member of society myself, I can't help but think it could have been me.

"I'm very shocked by what has happened."

South Central Ambulance Service spokesman David Gallagher said a rapid response vehicle, an ambulance and an officer were sent to the scene immediately.

Thomas Shaw, 49, also from Woodstock, said he thought it was "heart-breaking".

He said: "I hope nothing like this ever happens again, it's very upsetting and heart-breaking.

"My thoughts are with everyone this will affect."

Terry Axon, operations director for Allan Morris Transport, a transport and recycling company owning the lorry involved, said: "We have forward-facing video cameras in the cabs of our vehicles and that footage has been handed to the police.

"We will also be conducting our own investigation.

"This has been a tragedy for everyone involved."

The road has now been reopened and Thames Valley Police say no arrests have been made.