A FOOTBALL fan who had his jaw broken at a bowling alley did not provoke the attack, according to his friend.

Ryan Durban told Oxford Crown Court yesterday how Dagenham and Redbridge supporter Jack Conner was assaulted at the Bowlplex in Grenoble Road in August 2014.

Mr Durban said: “Jack said nothing and he got punched. I’m not sure why, but there was no trigger at all.”

Jordan Hastie, of Windrush Tower, in Knights Road, and Clifford Whistler, of Birchfield Close, both in Oxford, deny inflicting grievous bodily harm on Mr Conner.

Jurors heard on Monday that Mr Conner, of Essex, was celebrating his 21st birthday by travelling to the Kassam Stadium to watch his team play Oxford United.

One of his friends was chanting the name of Dagenham striker Jamie Cureton while at the bowling alley, attracting the attention of Hastie, 28, Whistler, 56, and his son Darren.

Prosecuting, Christopher Hewertson said Hastie and Whistler crossed the bar and punched Mr Conner in the face, which left him needing emergency surgery to insert a plate in his jaw.

Defence barrister for Hastie, Alexandra Bull, told jurors a man who Mr Durban thought attacked his friend and picked out during an identity parade was Whistler.

Julian Lynch, defending Whistler, said to the witness: “Do you think what you had to drink [that day] may have affected your memory of perceptions.”

Mr Durban replied: “No.”

The trial continues.