BUDDING baton-twirlers are being called on to step up and join the fun as the Strawberry Fayre Majorettes expand into Cowley.

The cheerleading squad has been based in Greater Leys for 26 years but is now moving further afield in a bid to recruit more members.

In the past, girls have performed at the Kassam Stadium, Witney, Thame and Bicester Carnivals, and Bonn – Oxford's twinned city in Germany.

The new sessions – alongside continued Wednesday night classes at The Barn in Greater Leys – are being held at Florence Park Community Centre in Cornwallis Road.

Founder Eileen Filer said: "We used to be a troupe of about 40 girls but over the years the numbers have gone down.

"When a girl gets to a certain age, and starts work and goes to university, it pulls them away and we aren't taking on replacements."

The first Cowley session took place this week from 4pm to 5pm. Although only a handful of girls made it along, Ms Filer said they "really liked it" and were coming back next week with friends.

Sessions cost £5. For more information or to enquire about joining email eileenfiler143@btinternet.com