THE city's homeless poured into an East Oxford centre yesterday where they were treated to homemade curry dishes.

About 60 homeless people gathered at the Asian Cultural Centre for the free lunchtime meals served by the Oxford Homeless Project.

Volunteers from the group have been serving people in need across the city once a fortnight at the Manzil Way centre since launching last November.

Nigel Saville said the volunteers always provided an "amazing" service to all those who come through the centre's doors.

The 38-year-old said: "I have been coming here since day one. I would not miss one. They are amazing meals. We are lucky that we have the ladies that cook the food – they are really good chefs.

"It's not just the simple bit of bread or rice that we are being given. We are being given top restaurant food and they do it with all the love in their hearts and it's the love that comes across that brings people back and helps people build a nice community."

The Oxford Homeless Project was started by mother-of-four Shabnam Sabir who wanted to do more to help people sleeping rough on the city's streets.

She called on her friends and people in the community to join her every other Monday to donate food, help prepare Asian dishes and serve Oxford's homeless.

The Headington resident added: "I think we have all got a duty to take care of those less fortunate than yourself."