DAVID CAMERON’S claim we will be safer, more influential and more prosperous if we remain members of the EU does not resonate with me.

We are a leading member of NATO – that is where our safety lies. Our open borders to EU nationals can allow the terrorists responsible for the recent French and Belgian attacks to access our country.

The UK has one vote – the same as any other member in the union, therefore, influential we definitely are not.

The EU is a shrinking trading bloc; larger members Spain and Italy have economies in dire straits and leading financial experts stress they will never be free of debt. Last year we were ordered to pay five billion euros to France to bolster its under-performing economy.

Should the IN vote be successful on June 23, Turkey’s accession to the union will be initiated almost immediately – an extra 80 million people by the 2020 target date. These people will be eligible to enter the UK at once – and many will.

Our schools are oversubscribed, NHS in crisis and roads potholed. Any future government’s fiscal plan would soon be in tatters with this unfettered immigration.

St Johns Way, Hempton, Banbury