A WOVEN wonderland unwrapped at a museum where children got wacky with wool.

Boys and girls spent one morning of their half term break getting arty at Abingdon County Hall Museum, which was hosting its 'weavaway' event.

Ela Eltas, six, enjoyed wrapping a web of multicoloured wool around an old CD.

The Marcham Primary School pupil said: "It was pretty. I'm into painting and drawing flowers and animals. She (the helper) showed me and I got the hang of the weaving."

She also wove a heart for her mum, adding: "I decorated it with red on one side and yellow on the other side then put silver studs on it. It took a long time."

Jo Asquith, who volunteers at the museum, helped Ela craft her gift.

The 65-year-old, who lives in Abingdon Marina, said: "The day went really well, lots of children came. We are starting to get regulars with our craft days. They could chose from activities like making a Mexican dream catcher, weaving over an old CD, a woven picture in a frame and weaving with strips of paper. Most of them picked it up very quickly.

"It's important that they have an element of choice and they can take it home. I think they get quite a sense of achievement from that. Some families go on to look at the museum upstairs so it's attracting people in the community to their local museum and making use of it.

"It is also free, but parents can donate a small amount just to cover the cost of the materials. That's quite important because some families can't afford to spend much money in half term."