WE’RE not sure these youngsters were truly looking forward to the next few hours.

Ahead of them lay a 25-mile course of roads and footpaths, with plenty of obstacles such as brambles, nettles, stiles and hedgerows, not to mention mud, to overcome.

They were members of the Scout and Guide movements and were setting off on the second annual Cyril Gardner memorial hike in 1975.

Donning walking boots, jumpers and anoraks, they were in good spirits as they prepared to leave.

But would they have the stamina to complete the challenge - a walk which would take them at least seven hours and last well into the night?

The first walk had been held the previous year, and the teams which gathered on a cold Saturday in February 1975 were determined to beat the time of more than nine hours set by their predecessors.

More than 80 Scouts and Guides from the Headington district took part in the second hike.

The route took the walkers from the 32nd Oxford (Horspath) Scout headquarters through Garsington, Stadhampton, Great Milton and Wheatley and back to Horspath.

They had to report to 13 checkpoints on the way to make sure they were on the right course and no-one got lost, particularly as darkness fell.

The first teams of four arrived back at Horspath late at night, with the hosts, the 32nd Oxford (Horspath) group being declared the winners.

A quick check on the stopwatch showed that they had sliced two hours off the previous year’s time to win in a record-breaking seven hours 18 minutes.

The runners-up were the 48th Oxford Sea Scouts, with the 48th Oxford Scout group third.

Other teams struggled in the conditions and took rather longer to complete the course, with some not returning to Horspath until early on Sunday morning.

However, there was still a warm welcome for them – not only from teams which had finished earlier but from the smell of a slap-up breakfast prepared by the catering staff.

Everyone returned home for a well-earned sleep after the presentation of trophies and medals.

The hike was held in memory of Cyril Gardner, who served as chairman of the 10th Oxford Scout group and as an executive committee member for Scouts in the Headington area.

Any memories of taking part in this and subsequent hikes to share with readers? And can anyone identify the walkers pictured above? Write and let me know.