A HALF a million pound cash injection will allow a youth charity to set up six new clubs in rural areas in the county.

Oxfordshire Youth has received £493,381 to expand its project providing services for young people and their families from disadvantaged communities.

The locations of the new clubs have yet to be decided.

Andrea Tiganescu, who will be running the scheme, said: “We feel honoured to have this opportunity to provide our members with the ongoing support they deserve.

“We hope this work will help youngsters across the county who rely on their youth clubs for support and guidance.”

The funding from the Big Lottery Fund covers the costs of Oxfordshire Youth’s Sustainable Communities Project, where the charity will work with 19 other clubs to help them be more sustainable.

There will be extensive training for volunteers working with young people, covering issues like substance misuse, child sexual exploitation and behaviour management.

An additional grant of £50,000 from the Future-Building Fund will allow the Headington charity to swoop in and act as an umbrella body for Oxfordshire’s voluntary youth and children’s organisations.

Ken Webster, former chairman of the Oxfordshire Children’s and Voluntary Youth Services (OCVYS), said: “Over the last five or six years, the nature of youth work in Oxfordshire has changed out of all recognition.

“OCVYS has worked in support of the voluntary youth sector for many years, but sadly this year we are closing down due to lack of financial support.

“This decision has, however, been eased by the knowledge that Oxfordshire Youth will be picking up the reins and developing the work even further.

“As an outgoing trustee and former chairman of OCVYS, I am relieved the work we have for so long regarded as important will not be lost.

“Young people, and those working with them, deserve the support that in future will be provided by Oxfordshire Youth.”

Jodie Leftwich, chief executive officer of Oxfordshire Youth, said: “These are exciting times.

“In its new role, Oxfordshire Youth is beginning discussions to bring together, as a network, the wide range of organisations that have children and young people at their heart. To be in a position where we can offer support when most needed feels really exciting and valuable.”