OXFORD University has backed the campaign to remain in the European Union (EU).

Its vice-chancellor, Professor Louise Richardson, is one of 103 university leaders urging the public to consider the impact on the country's "world-class universities".

In a collective letter printed in The Sunday Times, they said leaving the EU would cut the UK off from established networks and affect our position as a leader in science and the arts.

It said: "Now the Prime Minister has announced the referendum date, we urge the British public to consider the vital role the EU plays in supporting our world-class universities.

"Inside the EU we are better able to collaborate with partners across Europe to carry out cutting-edge research from medical and healthcare advances to new materials, products and services."

The leaders pledged to highlight the value of EU membership to universities ahead of the referendum that David Cameron yesterday announced would take place on June 23.

The letter added: "While no one is suggesting that the UK universities could not survive outside the EU, leaving would mean cutting ourselves off from established networks."