STAFF and students at Lady Margaret Hall have taken on a daring abseil to raise money for charity for a colleague battling cancer.

More than 20 abseiled down the Oxford University college’s five-storey Katie Lee building and raised more than £3,500 for Macmillan Cancer Support in the process.

The team did the abseil on Thursday for Sarah Flynn, part of the college’s accounts team, who is fighting her second battle with breast cancer.

Domestic bursar Bart Ashton said: “It was Sarah’s idea really, we asked how we could support her and she said why don’t you do something exciting like abseiling down a building.

“It was difficult to say no really but it was a great opportunity for something positive to come out of it.

“There were 21 of us, a mixture of students and staff, with a range of different approaches and nerves – one even had to do it with her eyes closed to overcome a fear of heights.”

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