SIX dance and fitness instructors are set to shimmy their way to charity success with a three-hour danceathon on Sunday.

The group say they are hoping to live up to their previous fundraising total of £10,000, which was distributed between Sobell House and Oxford Animal Sanctuary last year.

James Mulock, Steph Page, Mary Stevens, Rita Smith, Chris Clapp and Andy Hill say they are set to “smash it” with their event for Dementia UK.

Mr Mulock, a group fitness instructor from Headington, said: “We are all hoping to raise as much money as possible with our three hours of dancing.

“It’s a charity that is very close to all of our hearts because it’s an illness that affects so many people across the UK and has affected each one of us too.

“My nan has got dementia so she’s lucky to be able to live a pretty normal life at home and it’s all because of the work of Dementia UK.

“So we wanted to help centres like the Albany Care Home in Marston to carry on doing their amazing work for people living with dementia.”

Dementia UK works with care homes across Oxfordshire as well as providing palliative care to those still at home.

All six instructors got together this week for a practice session at Albany Care Home and Mr Mulock said he was excited to get going with the challenge.

He said: “We’ve already managed to raise £1,500 with our ticket sales for the event but it would be great if the people of Oxfordshire could get behind us and donate so we can reach our target of £4,000.”

Albany Care Home manager Anna Clews said: “It was so good to have the group visit and help us have fun during our families’ day, and we got the opportunity to help support the team in their fundraising.”

The team are inviting people to come along and join in with the event on Sunday at the Ferry Lane Leisure Centre in Oxford between 1.30pm and 4.30pm.

Tickets can be purchased in advance from Ferry Leisure Centre and donations can be made online at

The team are also looking for any businesses who are willing to donate vouchers or gifts to auction off straight after the event, with all proceeds going straight to Dementia UK.