After weeks of winching, pushing and planning, the boat which sunk to the bottom of the Thames a fortnight ago is finally set to be taken to a boatyard.

Staff from the Environment Agency (EA) are out in full force this morning to remove it from the towpath. 

'One Old Peculier' was one of two boats to crash into Botley Bridge on February 1 before EA staff winched it out over the river. 

Spokesman for the EA, Dan Taylor, said the £60,000 boat would be put onto a low-loader before being taken to a boatyard for owner John Simmonds to collect. 

Mr Simmonds, 35, said he could not wait to be reunited with his boat.

He said: "It may take a lot of volunteers to sort out the boat and make sure it's in good shape but I am certainly looking forward to getting on board."

For all the pictures from today's move, view our picture gallery here.