ST Valentine's Day took on a different form in Northway as volunteers from Northway Church decided to show their love for the estate.

The gang of 15 took to the streets on Sunday with litter pickers and bin bags to give the area some TLC.

Church leader Fiona Floate, 57, said they came across a rang of surprising items including half a broken scooter and various pieces of women's underwear, as well as more common rubbish such as bottles and cans.

Miss Floate said: "We went out in groups of two or three people and we went around what we call the public areas of the estate.

"With it being St Valentine's day we wanted to go out and show the estate that we love it.

"We got T-shirts made saying 'Northway Church loves Northway' and we think we might do it again on Palm Sundy.

"All the crowds were out to welcome Jesus into Jerusalem so we could hopefully get crowds out to clean up the estate."