A FEW weeks ago, you published a letter from somebody who wished to remain anonymous but wished to express concern that little had been done about the occupation of the popular Marston Ferry Road cycle track by a number of traveller cars and caravans.

The occupation in October and November created a serious obstacle for the many Cherwell School pupils and other cyclists who use the track on a daily basis.

In response to local concern, I have been working with Oxfordshire County Council to work out the best way to prevent the problem occurring again.

Bollards are now being installed, paid for jointly by the county council and from my ward allowance.

We are lucky to have such a wide and safe cycle track between Marston and North Oxford.

It is heartening to see such high numbers of Cherwell School pupils using it to cycle to school and, together with the City and County Councils, I’m committed to keeping it well used and popular.

Marston Ward
Oxford City Council