PARENTS struggling to squeeze their children into crowded classes could find salvation in plans for a new school in Abingdon.

Free school group Chapel St has selected North Abingdon as one of two places to open schools next year, easing the area’s shortage of places.

Dr Russell Rook, chief executive of the Christian organisation, said: “North Abingdon is an area where there is a need for new school places.

“We have picked this area because of the increases and strains on other schools.

“It fits with the needs in terms of places and creates something fresh for the community.”

The North Abingdon school would open in September 2017 and would have a Christian ethos. No site has yet been put forward.

The group currently runs Tyndale Free School in William Morris Close, Temple Cowley, and plans to open another school in Headington next year.

Dr Rook added: “Tyndale is very, very diverse. We probably have more practising Muslims in the school than Christians.

It is about creating a school where there is love and grace and fellowship, and good relationships between staff and kids and parents and the community.”

Abingdon Town Council leader Sandy Lovatt welcomed the news, saying: “There is a massive demand, especially in North Abingdon.

“Anything that will relieve that, the better.”

Nicky Rowbotham set up a petition last year with other mothers who were angry their children were not allocated one of their preferred schools.

The 39-year-old has to drive her five-year-old son James four miles across town to Thameside School – passing seven full-to-the-brim schools as they go – from their home in Mattock Way.

She said: “I am right behind this new school, bring it on.”

Mrs Rowbotham said she hoped the free school would cater for what she called “the dead spot” between catchment areas.