HUNDREDS of people have given their views on the ins and outs of parking in West Oxfordshire, leaving council officials stunned at the “extraordinary” response.

Within just two days of an online survey being launched by the council, more than 1,000 forms were submitted and the number is still increasing.

All across social media, residents got involved in heated debates, with some praising the district’s “fantastic” car parking and others saying it was “a joke”.

Witney mum Zoe Bake said: “Five parent and child spaces in Witney is not enough. The multi-storey car park is a joke.”

Fellow mother and foodbank volunteer JJ Cypher agreed and added: “It’s the same for the disabled too, they keep getting abused by people who aren’t disabled. They have to walk further and the flouters don’t get punished.”

On Facebook especially the strength of the debate increased, with many residents pointing out that West Oxfordshire was lucky to have so many free car parks.

But some said they thought the free parking should be allowed for time periods longer than three hours, so that they did not have to move their car halfway through work.

Mark Davies, who also lives in the town, said: “Personally I think the parking in Witney is plentiful, and what’s more it’s free. I don’t normally respond to open forum things like that, but felt I had to as so many people were complaining and I believe WODC are doing a super job.

“I also see no reason why there should be free all-day parking provided for workers in the town. Moaning about having to move your car, to avoid charges, shows a total lack of insight into the vast majority of folk who have to pay for parking.”

The online survey laun- ched by West Oxfordshire District Council asked users how, when and why they used the council-run free car parks.

Cllr David Harvey, cabinet member for car parking and transport at WODC, said: “The response has been extraordinary, we’ve had 1,600 responses, and we are delighted so many people have engaged in what is clearly a vital issue.”

The survey is open until February 29 and can be completed by visiting

A copy can also be found at Burford Visitor Information Centre, Carterton Town Hall and Woodstock Town Hall.