Jacek Koroniewski, 39, of O’Hanlon House, Luther Street, Oxford, convicted in his absence of travelling on a railway without paying the £9 fare on June 19 last year. Fined £110 and ordered to pay £9 compensation, a £20 victim surcharge and £30 costs.

Nanu Miah, 35, of Westminster Way, Oxford, convicted of driving in Botley Road while using a mobile phone on October 24, 2014. Fined £250 and ordered to pay a £25 victim surcharge and £250 costs. Driving licence endorsed with three points.

Sarah Day, of Owens Way, Oxford, convicted in her absence of being the parent of a child at the Oxford Academy who failed to attend the school regularly between June 15 last year and November 18 last year. Fined £220 and ordered to pay a £22 victim surcharge and £120 costs.

Linda Field, 55, of Saxton Road, Abingdon, convicted in her absence of being the parent of a child at John Mason School who failed to attend regularly between September 3 last year and December 1 last year. Fined £200 and ordered to pay a £20 victim surcharge and £120 costs.

Barry Stapleton, 65, of Cotswold Crescent, Chipping Norton, admitted driving a large goods vehicle or passenger carrying vehicle when its weight exceeded the maximum of 7.5 tonnes permitted by Oxfordshire County Council on the B4300 towards Enstone Airfield on July 14 last year. Fined £293 and ordered to pay a £29 victim surcharge and £130 costs.

Kyle Alsworth, 24, of Kensington Close, Abingdon, admitted assaulting Zoe Thompson by beating her at a property in Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, on November 15 last year. Also admitted assaulting Mohammed Hoque by beating at the same address on the same day. Handed a 15-month community order with an electronically-monitored curfew. Also ordered to pay £200 compensation, £60 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Paul Bromley, 43, of Croxford Gardens, Kidlington, admitted stealing a bicycle worth £850 from Thackley End, Oxford, on December 29 last year and of going equipped for theft by carrying bolt croppers, screwdriver, hammer and a balaclava in Banbury Road, Oxford, that same night. Handed a two-year community order with a drug rehabilitation requirement for nine months. Also ordered to pay £50 compensation and £60 victim surcharge.

Flavio Magalhaes, 27, of Carswell Circle, Upper Heyford, convicted of driving a vehicle over the 30mph speed limit in Middleton Stoney Road, Bicester, on June 23 last year. Speed recorded was 51mph. Fined £180 and ordered to pay £20 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Bartosz Wozniak, 32, of Sussex Drive, Banbury, convicted of driving a vehicle in South Bar, Banbury, while using a mobile phone on April 8 last year. Fined £100 and ordered to pay £20 victim surcharge. Also had three points added to his licence.


Paul Breakell, 47, of Station Approach, Banbury, admitting stealing alcohol worth £30 belonging to Tesco in Banbury on Christmas Eve. Handed a six-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £15 victim surcharge and £40 costs.

Jabaz Smith, 34, of Milton Road, Bloxham, admitted driving a vehicle on the A4260 Oxford Road in Kidlington without wearing a seatbelt on April 13 last year. Fined £145 and ordered to pay £20 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Tayaub Hussain, 21, of Queens Road, Banbury, admitted assaulting Chelsea Lodge by beating her on October 24 last year. Also admitted calling Karen Lodge and conveying a threat with the purpose of causing distress and anxiety on October 25 last year and committing a further offence while on a conditional discharge for possessing cannabis. Jailed for 10 weeks. Also ordered to pay £400 costs.

Jaspal Sangha, 46, of Abingdon Road, Standlake, admitted assaulting Jagdeep Sangha by beating her twice at their home on December 5 last year. Handed a three-year community order with a 20-day building better relationships programme requirement, rehabilitation requirement of up to 45 days and 40 hour’s unpaid work. Also ordered to pay £60 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Joanna Lewis, 50, of Woodstock Road, Oxford, admitted speeding at 41mph in a 30mph zone in Oxford Road, Tiddington, on March 19 last year. Fined £80 and ordered to pay a £20 victim surcharge. Driving licence endorsed with four points.

Elliott Harper, 20, of no fixed abode, admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour with intent to cause Kazeem Atitebi harassment, alarm or distress in Oxford on June 20 last year. Also admitted failing to answer bail in Abingdon on November 1 last year. Also admitted attempting to steal Calor gas canisters from Wyevale Garden Centre, Oxford, together with John Joyce, on November 8 last year. Sent to young offender institution for 20 weeks. Fined £50 and also ordered to pay £50 compensation and a £100 victim surcharge.