Former Labour Party leader Ed Miliband has reportedly cancelled a talk at Oxford University Labour Club following allegations of anti-Semitism.

An investigation was also launched into the club today by national body Labour Students.

Mr Miliband, the MP for Doncaster, had been due to address the group at its John Smith Memorial Dinner on Friday, March 4.

A spokesman told the New Statesman this afternoon: "Ed is deeply disturbed to hear of reports of anti-semitism in the Oxford University Labour Club.

"It is right that the executive of the club has roundly condemned the comments and fully co-operates with the Labour Students investigation. Ed and the Labour Club have agreed that his talk should be postponed until the investigation is resolved."

Earlier this week the club's co-chair Alex Chalmers, of Oriel College, stepped down from his post after claiming a large proportion of the club's members "have some kind of a problem with Jews".

He wrote on Facebook that during his time in the club "the attitudes... towards certain disadvantaged groups had become poisonous".

Mr Chalmers's resignation followed OULC's decision to endorse Israel Apartheid Week, a series of rallies against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.

He added: "The decision of the club to endorse a movement with a history of targeting and harassing Jewish students and inviting antisemitic speakers to campuses... illustrates how uneven and insincere much of the active membership is when it comes to liberation."

The university's Jewish Society said yesterday (17/2) it was "saddened" but "unsurprised" by the news, publishing a catalogue of reported anti-Semitic incidents at the club.

It said committee members have been known to sing Hamas song "Rockets Over Tel Aviv", which promotes violence towards Israelis, and referred to Jews as "Zio" - a term normally only found on neo-Nazi websites.

It also reporter that OULC members have claimed violence against Israeli civilians was justified and organised for a group of students to harass a Jewish student and shout "filthy Zionist" whenever they saw her.

This morning national body Labour Students confirmed on Twitter that it had launchad an investigation into the claims.

It also said: "We unequivocally condemn any form of anti-semitism. We are taking these allegations very seriously and will do whatever is necessary to ensure every Labour Club is a safe space for Jewish Students."

In an official statement, the executive committee of OULC said: "We are horrified at and whole-heartedly condemn anti-Semitic behaviour in all its forms. The comments detailed in JSoc’s statement last night indicate a shocking pattern of hateful and racist behaviour by some Club members, and it’s of the highest priority that this be dealt with swiftly and lastingly. 

"Labour Students is launching an investigation; we will fully co-operate with this and encourage any of our members to come forward with any information that will assist the process."

Labour MP John Mann, who represents Bassetlaw in Northamptonshire, has also called for the party to suspend OULC over the claims.