HE IS used to facing stern examination from across the despatch box but David Cameron was grilled by a more unusual group.

Pupils from Eynsham Community Primary School peppered the Prime Minister with questions such as ‘how many ideas do you have before you have a good one?’ as he made a special visit.

Headteacher Ian Moore said: “Mr Cameron engaged with the children really well, giving the children insights into how the democratic process works and what his role involves.

“When asked what inspired him, Mr Cameron cited the cabinet office where the government made the historic decision not to surrender to Nazi Germany.

“He said that one of his favourite parts of the job was meeting the Queen each week, who is ‘very wise’.

“All in all it was a wonderful day for all involved. The children were buzzing afterwards, and rushed out to tell their parents all about it at home time.”

Mr Cameron visited the school on Friday, alongside members of the NSPCC, as part of the charity’s national ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ campaign, which aims to help children understand about abuse and neglect.

The NSPCC’s campaign has featured in schools all across the UK and consists of an assembly, followed by an hour-long workshop.