A MOTHER who suffers from seizures is setting up a football club for people with disabilities to save them from isolation.

Muzzy Amjad, who lives in Littlemore, began her crusade for inclusivity after being rejected from a girls’ team because of her illness.

The 30-year-old said: “I didn’t realise that because of my seizures, with it being a contact sport with headers, I have to be careful.

“I explained it to the coaches and they were really understanding and encouraging.

“But for insurance purposes, if something happens I could end up suing them.”

The mum-of-three has had unexplained seizures since she was seven, which leave her speechless for weeks at a time and unable to control her muscles. At one time they hit her five times a week, but now they occur every few months.

She said: “It affects my function of speech, it just shuts down completely.

“My only recollection of them will be waking up with a glass of water being shoved in my mouth. Half the time I won’t recognise who is around me. There is no warning when it happens.”

Two years ago a seizure rocked her body so severely that she was rushed to hospital and couldn’t speak for two months.

Doctors then coincidentally discovered another problem – a tumour.

She said: “It’s not cancerous, luckily, but in 30 years it will cause temporary blindness. I’m not bothered about it as long as I am able to look after my children.

“It’s not linked to my seizures. The neurologists still don’t know what is causing them. But they don’t want me to go on a lifetime of epilepsy medication.”

Miss Amjad also suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder and light sensitivity, meaning she has to wear sunglasses most of the time.

She said: “There’s nothing worse than a person getting to a stage where they become a recluse. There are so many people out there who have seizures and are stopped in their tracks. We have got to be more sympathetic.

“I want to help other people who have got seizures and disabilities, or mental health problems, which means they are unable to participate in certain sports or don’t have the confidence.

“We will play football relaxed and slowly. With football you need to know you can trust the people you’re playing with.”

If you are 18 or over and interested in playing, email muzzywhiteladder@gmail.com.