A CAMPAIGN to encourage dog owners in Blackbird Leys to pick up after their pet was launched yesterday (15/2) by Oxford City Council.

Over the next two weeks, council officers together with councillors and members of the parish council will be out and about in Blackbird Leys Park and Gillian's Park speaking to dog walkers, and handing out free information and bags.

The scheme aims to make parks and open spaces in Blackbird Leys a better environment that everyone can use.

According to councillors, dog fouling is an issue regularly brought up by residents on doorsteps and raised with Blackbird Leys Parish Council.

Oxford City Councillor Linda Smith said: Blackbird Leys residents have raised concerns about dog fouling in the areas parks and open spaces, particularly Blackbird Leys Park and Gillian’s Park.

“It’s important that residents feel they can use and enjoy their parks, which is why we’re carrying out this campaign over the next two weeks.”

Owners caught not cleaning up after their pets can be issued with an £80 fixed penalty notice and, if prosecuted, a £1,000 fine.

To report a dog fouling issue visit oxford.gov.uk/dogs