THIS is an open letter to the inconsiderate driver who sounded his car horn at me for not getting out of his way quick enough when I fell off my bike.

I braked at the traffic lights at the bottom of Morrell Avenue.

The foot I put down to steady my bike came down on a metal drain cover made slippery by rain. It slid out from under me and I went flying, together with my bike.

Thank you to the kind passerby who helped me up – in contrast to you, the driver, who didn’t want to wait for me to get up and sounded your horn at me to get out of your way.

I doubt you worried if I had hurt myself as you sped through the junction just as the lights turned red.

But, apart from some bruising and minor sprains, I’m okay. Thank you to the other car drivers who waited patiently as I picked myself up off the ground and didn’t toot furiously.

With a little consideration and good manners car drivers and cyclists can co-exist peacefully.

But bad manners and aggression which you displayed do nothing for diplomatic relations between us.

Bulan Road, Oxford