I WISH David Buckle, the returning officer for the Vale and South Oxfordshire district councils a long and happy retirement.

His stepping-down at age 60 highlights the unaffordability of the Local Government Pension scheme as it stands.

Since his skills require no manual effort I expect that, for a time, whilst drawing his handsome pension, Mr Buckle will engage in other remunerative work as a ‘Consultant’ or ‘Company Director’.

I am over 60 myself and have worked for 38 years in the NHS. Because of contractual ‘tendering’ shenanigans, I have, for 12 years, been excluded from my own pension scheme.

Those years of lost contributions can never be recovered. I cannot now retire until I am 66.

I am disappointed then to find that some of my Council Tax will go toward the ‘feather-bedding’ of retirement at 60 of a very well-paid administrator, who could also reasonably be expected to work until aged 66.

I can only hope that his successor is appointed on terms more favourable to us who fund this largesse.

Berrick Road, Chalgrove