COUPLES put their relationships to a tough test during a special Valentine’s Day workout in Oxford.

Edmund Sobczak, of Fit 2 Fight Back, hosted his self-defence session for couples at the 10th Scout Headquarters in Marston Road yesterday.

Couples of all ages trained alongside the instructor, with hopes of becoming stronger and safer together.

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Headington resident Mr Sobczak said: “There was a good atmosphere – I think it was great.

“Lots of couples had a lot of fun on Valentine’s Day. I’m sure the whole day was great after that.”

Fitness fans joined 32-year-old Mr Sobczak to learn how they could protect their loved ones while out and about.

He said his self-defence workouts were a fun way of getting into shape and keeping away from danger.

Mr Sobczak, also a professional musician, added: “I think it’s extremely important, especially if you travel. Sometimes you have to go through areas that are not that safe any more or if you go to parties, quite often you have to go back home quite late.

“Everyone has to take their safety into their hands and self-defence is good for your fitness.

“You will feel healthier and happier, and that’s very important.

“If you are well-trained, you can avoid a lot of things before they happen and you can take care of loved ones. That’s what motivates me.”

Sessions are held across the city, as well as special sessions for women.