A TEENAGER in a race against time to raise money for an operation said finally being able to walk would completely change his life.

Cerebral palsy sufferer Gabriel Masih-Gill, from Barton, must have the groundbreaking surgery before his body stops growing, around the time of his 17th birthday in November.

Gabriel’s family found a surgeon who could perform an operation in Missouri, USA, that would allow their son to finally walk.

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But it comes at the hefty price of £58,000 and they still need to raise a further £26,000.

Gabriel, who is currently doing six days of specialist training in Wales every month to be fit enough for the surgery, said: “It would change my life forever if I was able to walk.

“At first I did not really care, but now I’m older I’ve realised.

“It’s my only goal ever since I found out about the operation. I’m training really hard and my parents have been great – already raising over £32,000.

“It’s going to be hard, but I’m really positive. It would be amazing to walk, it would really help my confidence.”

The family, who live in Stowford Road, found out about the operation five years ago when Gabriel’s mum, Paula, read a feature in a magazine that made her heart race.

Inside was a piece about selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR), a complex neurosurgical technique for children with cerebral palsy.

Gabriel also developed a bone condition that required him to take drugs that cancer patients are given until December. But despite the setbacks he has been in full training to get strong enough for the operation.

Mrs Masih-Gill said November would be the “now or never” moment for her son to get the operation.

The 40-year-old, who is also mother to five-year-old Lucien, added: “It’s got to be by November, ideally before that.

“We have raised over £32,000, so we are just over halfway. But we have run out of ideas. We don’t want to keep asking the same people to donate.

“It would mean the world to see Gabe walk by himself. It’s all we have ever wanted for him.

“He’s inspirational because he’s so positive and works so hard on getting himself fit. He goes swimming at 6.30am.”

Mrs Masih-Gill thanked SDR Fitness Wales for helping her son along with staff at the Marlborough School, in Woodstock, for their support.

  • Donations can be made at justgiving.com/Paula-Masih-Gill1