YOUNGSTERS have been coming along in leaps and bounds learning ‘the sport of kings’ since a juniors section was added to the Oxford University Real Tennis Club.

The Merton Street group plays host to the little-known sport, the original form of tennis dating back to the time of Henry VIII, since 1595.

It is still played with wooden rackets and requires more cunning and subtlety than standard tennis, making it accessible to people from childhood to their eighties.

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Last summer the Oxford club was approached by the Dedanist Foundation, which aims to raise awareness of the sport, to encourage more juniors.

With the help of a £500 grant the club set up its first juniors section and has been going from strength to strength since.

Club spokesman Ron Mutton said: “So far we have about a dozen juniors aged nine to 14 and all are showing great enthusiasm.

“We would welcome more juniors who are keen to have a go to come along on Wednesday evenings.”

The group meets from 4.30pm to 6.30pm at the tennis courts in Merton Street. For details call 01865 244212.