I CANNOT understand why Horspath Parish Council is still reluctant to put in place a new war memorial on the village green.

Keith Brooks’s crusade to try to get a proper stone memorial is admirable.

A questionnaire sent out to villagers shows that, of those who bothered to return it, three to one were in favour of a new memorial.

It cannot be a question of funding for the memorial, as Mr Brooks has offered to pay for it himself.

Why are there those on the parish council, a majority obviously, being so bloody-minded about this issue? What is the problem? Is it a personal matter?

A parish council has to have an election every few years to elect the number of councillors from a list of nominations and it’s up to the people of that parish to vote for whom they wish to represent them.

In the case of Old Marston, where I live, we were allowed to vote for any amount from a list of nominations from one to 12. There were only 13 nominations so obviously one wasn’t elected.

So next time there is an election for Horspath Parish Council the residents can vote off any existing parish councillor if they are dissatisfied with them.

New blood on a parish council is always good as those that are on it for years become cliquey and maybe just bums on seats.

Most people do not take an interest in local affairs but are the first to complain if there is something they don’t like.

I have been sitting in on my parish meetings for a few years, as have several other parishioners regularly, and if you wish to have your say on an issue and it’s on the agenda for that meeting, you are allowed five minutes to speak.

Lewell Avenue
Old Marston