BEING naughty or nice in the run-up to Christmas could be crucial to staying on Father Christmas's gift list.

And more importantly for some it could also cost you a place on the Christmas card lists of the great and the good of Oxfordshire.

Oxford Mail:

Card 2

If you were not lucky enough to receive one of these cards can you guess which of our politicians sent them?

Oxford East MP Andrew Smith has plenty of experience at choosing the best card to send each December, having spent every Christmas since 1987 as a parliamentarian.

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Mr Smith said: "This year I chose an an iconic image."

"There is a card that the Speaker sort of endorses and the proceeds go to the House of Commons art fund and I normally buy that.

"But this year I was sent this one by a private printer and I preferred it."

Mr Smith's card will be sent to friends, family, staff, Labour Party volunteers and colleagues.

This Christmas will be the first since his wife Val passed away in May.

He said: "This year I shall be at home with my family and then taking a break afterwards."

Oxford Mail:

Card 3

As usual Oxford West and Abingdon MP Nicola Blackwood asked pupils at local schools to come up with winning designs for her cards.

For the fourth year running youngsters sent drawings to the Conservative politician, who will send more than 1,200 cards this year.

Oxford Mail:

Card 4

Five winners were chosen, including Torin McVean from d'Overbroecks school and Klara Fazel, a year three pupil at the Dragon School.

The other winners were Imogen Armitage from Our Lady's Abingdon, Rosalind Keene from Oxford High School and St Aloysius Catholic Primary School year five pupil Natalie Esau-Buitrago.

Oxford Mail:

Card 5

Ms Blackwood said: "We always get the most fantastic entries from local schools." Her fellow Conservative MP Victoria Prentis adopted a similar approach, asked children from across her Banbury constituency to send in their designs.

The competition was won by Jasmine McDermott, a year two pupil from Bure Park School in Bicester.

Oxford Mail:

Card 6

David Cameron's card should prove easier to guess as he went for a traditional design focussing on his role as Prime Minister rather than MP for Witney.

Oxfordshire County Council leader Ian Hudspeth said he remained on Mr Cameron's list despite their public dispute over council cuts earlier this year.

Oxford's Lord Mayor Rae Humberstone sent his festive greetings with a traditional design. "I went down to pick mine at the charity Christmas card sale at the Town Hall," he said.

How many did you get right?

Card 1 - The cards sent by Victoria Prentis MP

Card 2 - The cards sent by Nicola Blackwood MP

Card 3 - The cards sent by the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Oxford Rae and Beverly Humberstone

Card 4 - The cards sent by Andrew Smith MP

Card 5 - The inside of Victoria Prentis's card with its bonus illustrations provided by schoolchildren

Card 6 - The cards sent by David and Samantha Cameron