TWO brothers who created a real-life version of a legendary toy car have put it up for sale for £21,500.

John and Geof Bitmead, of Attitude Autos based in Ambrosden, near Bicester, designed and built the Tyke Cosy Coupe replica using a Daewoo Matiz.

Instead of running on a child’s legs, it is fitted with an 800cc engine, goes from 0 to 62mph in 17 seconds and uses unleaded petrol.

The car has a top speed of 70mph, a driver’s airbag and two giant drink holders like the original toy. It has been put up for sale on internet auction site Ebay.

The car is described as “crazy”, “red and yellow”, and has clocked up 65,000 miles. It is “guaranteed to create smiles wherever it goes”.

The blurb continues: “We have managed to raise a substantial amount of money for children’s charities with the Crazy Coupe, so it’s potential in the right hands could be quite phenomenal.”

Geof, 60, said: “It’s one of a kind. One guy said if we don’t sell it he will give us £10,000 for it.”

He said the brothers would not accept the offer as it had been “professionally valued” at $46,000 when it was built, the equivalent of about £29,700.

Geof added: “We are selling it to fund the next project.”

That is a Creepy Camper, based on the mobile haunted house home in the cartoon of the Adams family, which John has spent nine months designing.

The work in progress, a converted 36-seater mini-bus, currently looks like a “shed on wheels”.