A TEENAGER caught having sex with an underage schoolgirl by her mother avoided jail.

Oxford Crown Court heard Jordan Moore met the 14-year-old through friends in the summer of 2012 and the pair struck up a relationship, which ended in February 2013.

Richard Moss, prosecuting, said their relationship had been sexual, despite the then 16-year-old Moore knowing she was underage.

Mr Moss added: “He knew through mutual friends, and it was clearly stated on her Facebook page. Both her parents informed him of the age of their daughter, reminding him she was only 14. They said he accepted that.”

But Mr Moss said Moore forced himself on the girl twice, once at Moore’s supported accommodation at the Foyer, in Mawle Court, George Street, Banbury, and once at her home.

Mr Moss added: “She describes him as controlling and at times physically violent towards her – hitting her. On one occasion, he persistently tried to remove her clothing, forcing her to touch him.”

Mr Moss said the second occasion the pair had sex was at her parents’ home, where Moore was allowed to sleep.

He added: “He came into her bed and she uses the term ‘forced himself’ upon her. This act was interrupted by her mother, who described seeing Mr Moore on her daughter under the covers – she told him to sort himself out.”

But Mr Moss reminded the court Moore was not being sentenced for rape or sexual assault.

Moore, now 19 and working at Poundstretcher, admitted three counts of sexual activity with a child, two by penetration and one by touching, at a hearing at Oxford Crown Court in March.

Terence Woods, defending, said his client was “immature” and had been living in supported accommodation since he left home at 15, following the death of his father five years previously. He added: “He made the wrong decision, he shouldn’t have engaged in a relationship with someone younger than him, crucially someone of 14.”

Judge Ian Pringle told Moore that if he had been an adult at the time he could have expected jail, but added: “I think you will benefit and society will benefit if I don’t pass a sentence of immediate imprisonment.”

Moore was given a two-year community order including one-year supervision. He was also banned from being alone with underage girls for five years without parental supervision and from contacting the victim.