RECENT days have seen a new low in our Government’s attitude towards immigrants.

To say our living standards are at risk because a number of Africans – many of whom are fleeing wars in their own countries– risk life and limb to cross to the UK is callous and wicked.

Just in case anyone actually believes this politically-motivated drivel, I wanted to remind them the real reason our generation experiences a lower standard of living than our parents: failure to build affordable housing; failure to enforce a living wage; failure to invest in education, and behind it all a political system that has allowed the richest one per cent to accumulate an ever bigger portion of national wealth.

In short, greed.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with desperate Africans fleeing wars which – in many cases – have been exacerbated by the UK’s flawed foreign policy.

Green Party Councillor, Holywell Ward
Bartholomew Road, Oxford