WHEREAS those responsible for the current floral displays in the centre of Abingdon are to be praised a similar accolade, unfortunately, cannot be given to those in charge of keeping our residential areas free of weeds.

Wherever you look outside the town centre our pavements, kerbs and gutters are a mass of unwanted growth. To see this problem at its worst look at Hadland Road, Harding Road and Swinburne Road, to quote but three. In the same context what a sad introduction to Abingdon is the historical Causeway between Culham and Abingdon Bridge. In contrast, Barton Lane, off Audlett Drive, which is maintained by a private contractor, is a good example of how all areas of Abingdon should look.

There is little requirement for grass cutting at the moment because of the lack of recent rain, so could not the appropriate council direct its resources towards a spraying campaign?

Biodegradable sprays cause no impact on the environment and are easily applied. Finally, could I ask our town and district councillors, who must be aware of the problem, to raise it at the appropriate level.

Radley Road, Abingdon