CHRIS Robins clearly didn’t read my letter properly in response to that of Cllr John Tanner concerning the migrants in Calais.

I said that our service personnel were being killed in Afghanistan while making the country a safer place and helping the Afghan people.

I did not say that our armed forces went to make a better life for the people of Afghanistan. I know our armed forces were sent there in pursuit of Bin Laden and al Qaida.

While our armed forces were there much was done in helping the Afghan people with schools for children and suchlike.

Why are those in the camps trying to get here?

They have travelled through many other countries and are supposed to apply for asylum in the first safe EU country they arrive in.

They have been told that Britain is the best place to go to as they will receive money and somewhere to live.

There may well be some genuine refugees among them, but they are safe in France.

With the ever-increasing threat of terrorism in the world, who knows if there are those among them who sympathise with IS.

It’s probable that there are those that wish to do us harm who have already entered Britain illegally.

Michael Clarke
Lewell Avenue, Old Marston