THOSE who call us NIMBYs for objecting to thousands of new houses tacked on to small communities outside Oxford don’t understand that we cannot support such large-scale, rapid development.

In the village of Sutton Courtenay we have Victorian sewers which flooded in recent memory when 45 houses were built on one plot.

How are the sewers to accommodate 700-1,000 more houses being built and planned?

Already people moving into one development here are having tankers to take away their waste as they are not linked up to the mains sewers, despite conditions attached to their planning by the Vale District Council.

In Didcot (hardly a village) I hear that a cesspit has been built for houses on the Great Western Park development, which has been occupied for several years now, to address the same problem.

Developers ignore conditions attached to planning to address these issues. Developers won’t pay, Thames Water says it can’t pay and the district councils (and presumably OCC) say it isn’t their responsibility.

So we are NIMBYs to protest at this?

Courtenay Close, Sutton Courtenay