THE Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office (OPPC) for the Thames Valley represents the best value for money for taxpayers in the country.

Figures released by the Tax Payers Alliance showed that the region’s PCC office is the lowest costing in England and Wales, at just £624 per 1,000 people.

Cambridgeshire came out highest – £2,979 per 1,000 people – and the figures revealed it would save £1.4m if it “spent like Thames Valley.” The figures also showed the force’s OPCC costs for 2013/14 were significantly lower than the Thames Valley Police Authority it replaced in 2010/11.

The force saved £711,325 compared to the previous authority’s final full year, a decrease of more than 40 per cent.

Mr Stansfeld said: “I am pleased that my office has saved the taxpayer nearly £750,000 compared to the police authority office it replaced.

“I have a small, well run and efficient office that does the job intended at a lower cost than any other Office of the PCC.”

Police Crime Commissioners are elected representatives and replaced police authorities to bring a public voice to policing. The OPCC works to deliver the police service for the area and hold the Chief Constable to account on behalf of the electorate.

It is also responsible for commissioning services for victims of crime and engaging with the public.