RESIDENTS at an Oxford care home dusted off their picnic blankets as they prepared for next week’s summer fete.

Sanctuary Care Home in Iffley will be running the event on Thursday which will feature a barbecue as well as stalls, a tombola, raffle and entertainment.

Children who come along will be able to take part in face painting so they can be transformed into their favourite animal or character.

Resident Barbara Still, 83, said: “We are looking forward to our fete, especially the ice cream van coming, we all love ice creams.

“I hope it will be a nice day and the sun shines for us.”

Barbara Goodwin, 85, said: “There will be an interesting variety of stalls for everyone to enjoy.

“We will have a very happy time getting together and hope our families and friends will come and enjoy the afternoon.”

The fete will run from 2pm-4pm at the nursing home situated in Anne Greenwood Close, Iffley, on Thursday.