RESIDENTS have until midnight to respond to the consultation on a controversial £12.5m overhaul of Headington’s road systems by Oxfordshire County Council.

Independent councillor for Marston Mick Haines said last night that he has collected 400 signatures opposing the plan.

He added: “I would say that 98 per cent of the people I’ve spoken to are against it. Marston is a lovely place and people are worried about change.”

Mr Haines has also said that residents have raised concerns that the loss of on-street parking in Cherwell Drive will spill over to residential roads.

Last month the council announced a plan to widen “artery roads” from Headington into Oxford by removing trees, grass verges and on-street parking on roads such as Cherwell Drive and Headley Way.

The move has been met with criticism from residents, with some complaining that they had not heard of the scheme and could not access it online.

County council spokesman Paul Smith said: “Plans are being made available online and a number of public exhibitions were held across the Headington area giving people the opportunity to view all proposals and speak to officers directly.”

More than 150 people attended a public meeting set up by the wards councillors on Monday.

To give your opinion email or call 01865 815548 or deliver a written comment to the county council offices in Speedwell Street.