JOHN Tanner must be living on another planet regarding his views about those that are trying to enter the UK illegally.

I suspect the majority of the British people are amazed at the utter rubbish he has written about the need to let those economic migrants come into this country.

He mentions Afghans. They have been trying to get into Britain for many years for a better life even when our service personal were being killed while making their country safer for them and helping them.

Mr Tanner goes on to say that we need a steady stream of newcomers into this country.

We have enough migrants from the EU who work in the hospitals, the car factory and restaurants etc and they do work hard.

Those people in the camps in Calais are only trying to get here to exploit our benefits system and put a further burden on hospitals, housing and schools.

He goes on to say that the new Tory government should take its fair share of would-be migrants arriving in Europe and that potential refugees should be processed in a civilised and humane manner in France.

Mr Tanner, these are not all refugees in the true sense as they have travelled through many countries where they could have claimed asylum to get to France.

Why do they want to come here?

It’s because they wouldn’t receive such a rewarding lifestyle in those other countries they have travelled through as they would here.

Who are these people?

Are any of them potential terrorists?

No one knows who they are as they destroy all forms of identification in the hope that they won’t be sent back to their countries of origin.

Mr Tanner goes on to say the traffic hold-ups for holidaymakers and truck drivers at Calais are a totally unacceptable abuse of the system.

It’s not the fault of the Tory government as Mr Tanner believes as this would be exactly the same if a Labour government were in power.

France is at fault for not deporting these people and the same can be said for any other EU countries that those at the Calais camp have travelled through.

If our border control is pressed to cope then our government should bring in the army.

I am sure these are not just my views but the views of many hard working taxpayers in this country.

So, Mr Tanner, as the man dedicated to the cleaner, greener streets of Oxford, could you please stick to sorting the rubbish.

Lewell Avenue, Old Marston, Oxford