I WOULD like to say a huge thank-you to all the parents who have supported the coffee morning at Bayards Hill School.

We have raised more than £1,000 for the school and over £900 for Macmillan Cancer Support.

The commitment, time and energy put in to every event held has been outstanding and I cannot thank you all enough. A huge thank-you too to parents who got together to give Year 6 a fantastic school leavers’ party and to Barton Leisure Centre for their support. Without it Year 6 would not have had the send-off they deserved.

Sadly after five years, due to lack of support and understanding, the Wednesday Coffee Morning which was a lifeline to many parents has had to end. It’s shown how much a simple coffee morning can bring a community together.

With such strong community spirit and as diverse as we are, we have created a strong positive alliance.

We desperately don’t want this support group to stop and are therefore looking for an alternative premises in the Barton area for two hours a week. If anyone can help please contact me on 07967967081.

Barton, Oxford