Sir – Oxford City Council leader Bob Price resorted to an ironic choice of words in depicting the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) as “crying wolf unnecessarily” (Report, July 2).

The CPRE rightly illuminated transparency concerns regarding the Oxfordshire Growth Board’s repeated “shadow” meetings preceding inaugural public session June 25th. Extent of public trepidation became evident from the range of written questions submitted by a diverse array of groups and individuals seeking clarifications.

During the meeting, some Growth Board members were proactive in encouraging transparency and opportunities for public input in future; but councillor Price appeared to be a “lone wolf” among council leader counterparts calling for review of Oxford City Council’s Local Plan.

Vale of White Horse District Council leader Matthew Barber asserted importance of identifying land availability for residential development in Oxford city, and determining level of unmet demand there.

Councillor Barber proposed a successful motion: “Districts councils note the clear direction of the Cherwell Local Plan Inspector that Oxford city’s unmet housing needs be ‘fully and accurately defined’. The districts believe that fulfilment of the duty to cooperate would be further strengthened by Oxford city also committing to an early review of their Local Plan in common with all the other districts…”

South Oxfordshire District Council leader John Cotton referred to advantages of testing policy and capacity in a public forum through the Local Plan Inquiry process.

Alas, councillor Price dissented and contended it was not “necessary or desirable” for Oxford City Council to review its Local Plan. While “duty to cooperate” (on filling Oxford’s purported levels of housing need) is imposed upon counterpart district council communities, a lone wolf council leader steps back and lets slack be taken up by the rest of the pack.

Sharone Parnes
Town councillor for Woodstock