AN INDEPENDENT review into the impacts of the Oxford Flood Relief Channel will take place amid concerns over impacts on areas away from the city.

Flood risks downstream of Abingdon prompted calls at last week’s full council meeting of Vale of White Horse District Council.

A motion was resolved to ask the Environment Agency to commission an independent review particularly relating to flood risks in the area.

Sutton Courtenay and Appleford councillor Gervase Duffield put forward the motion and was supported by a number of councillors.

The EA confirmed that before the final scheme is approved an independent third party would review its design.

Spokeswoman for the Environment Agency said: “We work to reduce flood risk overall, not to transfer it from one community to another.

“As part of our detailed design of the Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) we will use our latest river modelling to assess any changes in flow that the scheme may bring.

“Before the final scheme is approved we will share this information with communities in Oxford and in downstream areas. This model will be reviewed by an independent third party.”

The proposed £120 million scheme would see a four-mile channel run from Seacourt Park and Ride to the River Thames at Sandford Lock.

A Flood Risk Assessment will also be attached to any planning application, containing information on any potential changes to downstream flood risk.

A series of consultations took place this month for residents to put forward views on the make-up of the channel with plans set to be put forward in the autumn before another consultation round.