GUARANTEED funding from Oxfordshire County Council’s transport budget should be set aside to promote walking and cycling.

Sustrans South East regional director Simon Pratt made the suggestion as Oxfordshire County Council’s cabinet met yesterday to discuss its transport plans for the next 15 years.

Sustrans is a charity which aims to enable more people to travel by foot, bike or public transport in the UK.

Mr Pratt said five per cent of the county council’s transport budget should be set aside to be spent on walking and cycling.

Lib Dem councillor Roz Smith went further and said the figure should be 10 per cent.

Mr Pratt said: “Oxford city is recognised as a leader across the UK, but what we would like to recommend is that that boldness is transferred to other towns across Oxfordshire.

“We are very disappointed by the lack of emphasis on walking and cycling (in the policy).”

Ms Smith said: “The Association for Directors of Public Health recommends that 10 per cent of transport budgets is committed to walking and cycling.

“We cannot find evidence in the proposals to show that this notional figure will be met.”

But cabinet member for transport David Nimmo Smith said this approach would not be suitable for many in the county.

He said: “Not everybody lives in Oxford or Banbury, so it is very important for people who live in other towns to use their cars to get to shops or to train stations.

“We think the balance we are proposing is right.”