MORE than one in 10 patients admitted to hospital in Oxfordshire are being sent home too early, according to most recent figures.

According to Oxford University Hospitals Trust’s annual quality report, 11.4 per cent of people aged 16 or over admitted to Oxford University Hospitals in 2011-12, the most recent figures, were readmitted within 28 days, on an emergency basis. This is notably higher than the national average of 8.3 per cent. Readmissions for under-16s were also higher, at 9.52 per cent.

In March and April this year, Healthwatch Oxfordshire compiled a report on the issue of emergency readmissions in the county, to be released in September.

The watchdog’s chief executive Rachel Coney said: “We are very concerned about the ongoing issues of getting people safely out of hospital in Oxfordshire.

“The study will contain the experiences of about 200 patients and 100 clinicians and care providers. We have had stories of people being discharged home late at night, with families not aware and care not in place.

“There are significant areas for improvement in communication, involvement in planning.”

A report by consumer champion Healthwatch England estimated that emergency readmissions cost the NHS more than £2 billion a year. Half the number of beds in acute hospitals in Oxfordshire are being taken up by about four per cent of the OUHT’s patients.