A GEOGRAPHY teacher is hoping to make waves with a fundraising scheme inspired by his students.

When Oxford Spires Academy pupils are returning to school in September their head of geography Nik Haynes will be getting his swimming trunks on for WaterAid.

Mr Haynes hopes to break the world record for swimming backstroke across the Channel and raise £5,000 in the process.

The married dad-of-one is just over a fifth of the way to his target.

Mr Haynes, of Wheatley, said: “We’re still looking for corporate sponsors. We will be printing T-shirts with sponsors’ logos.”

He originally discovered the charity several years ago when choosing from a handful of global causes to teach as part of a case study to his GCSE students.

Mr Haynes, who has worked at the school for three years, teaches about WaterAid’s work across Africa, South America and Asia to improve access to clean water.

The idea to swim the Channel for the charity was sparked when a Year 11 pupil asked him if he had ever donated to WaterAid.

Mr Haynes admitted he had only ever donated £20, which his pupil remarked “wasn’t very much”.

Hopefully the September 5 challenge shouldn’t be too hard, as Mr Haynes swims with Oxford Tri.

* To follow his training, go to niksbackchannelswim.wordpress.com

* To sponsor go to uk.virginmoneygiving.com and search Nik Haynes