DRIVERS have been advised to adjust their normal routes as a major set of roadworks begin today.

With phase two of Frideswide Square starting yesterday and the £10m improvements to Cutteslowe and Wolvercote roundabouts starting today, drivers can expect to face months of disruptions.

The 16-month scheme in North Oxford is running at the same time as the £5.3m redesign of Frideswide Square, due to finish in December.

Oxfordshire County Council leader Ian Hudspeth has urged drivers to adjust their normal routes to avoid heavy congestion.

He said: “It does depend where you are coming from and to, but all the little changes such as leaving a little bit earlier, and working from home can make a difference.

“Hythe Bridge Street is open now, which means Frideswide Square is operating near what it will be when the work is done.”

Taxi driver Colin Dobson, 48, has said motorists can “guarantee” congestion on the roads will only get worse.

He said: “It’s getting more stressful around Woodstock Road roundabout and Sunderland Avenue areas where there’s been constant queuing. All weekend, I used the bus lane and made a left on Five Mile Drive, but this route is to be cut off this week. Hythe Bridge Street has reopened and Frideswide Square reconfigured, which is causing congestion in Becket Street.

“Undoubtedly, it’s going to get worse in that area, you can virtually guarantee it.”

The improvements in North Oxford will feature traffic light-controlled roundabouts and more lanes to cope with increased traffic.

Meanwhile, the county council has said work in Frideswide Square is making “good progress” with construction starting yesterday on the southern side of the site.

Mr Dobson said the new road layouts in the square would take time for drivers to get used to.

When asked if all the roadworks would be worth the disruption, he said: “It’s hard to say with North Oxford because of the planned developments in the area.

“As someone who makes my living in the roads, I do wish so many major roadworks did not have to be carried out concurrently.”

Jean Fooks, ouncillor for Wolvercote and Summertown, said she thought the road works would be a “nightmare” for drivers.

Phil Southall, managing director of Oxford Bus Company said they expected the scheme to have a “substantial impact” on traffic and have been told the works will be “as bad as Kennington, if not worse”.

He said: “We are making extra resources available to keep disruption to a minimum, but there are likely to be times when delays will occur.

“We are advising our passengers to allow extra time for their journeys or use Redbridge, Thornhill or Seacourt Park and Ride sites.”

* Let us know how your journey is affected by tweeting @TheOxfordMail