A MEMORIAL football tournament for former Chelsea FC youth player Jordan Tabor saw Oxford City claim victory on penalties.

Mr Tabor’s mother Louise Bates said she was delighted by the success of the event at Didcot Town Football Club, which was attended by about 1,200 people.

The 43-year-old said the popularity of Sunday’s tournament had made her determined to organise it again next year.

Headington resident Mr Tabor died on July 23 last year at the age of 23 when he fell from the balcony of his hotel room in Antalya, Turkey.

Mrs Bates said: “The event was fantastic. It was beyond all of our expectations.

“So many of Jordan’s friends and friends of friends came to support the day and everybody had a fantastic time.

“I do not think Jordan’s friends and family would let me not do it next year.

“There were tears all around, all the teams got together on the pitch at the start and we held a minute’s silence.

“There were tears throughout the day, tears that Jordan could not be a part of it but also tears of pride as well.”

Donations were collected at the event for children and young people’s hospice Helen and Douglas House and Mrs Bates estimated more than £5,000 had been raised.

Chelsea FC, where Mr Tabor played as a youth footballer from 2005-09, donated £500.

Oxford City defeated Kidlington FC on penalties to win the tournament and Mr Tabor’s younger brothers Charlie, seven, and Finlay, eight, played in a friendly match.

Mrs Bates said: “I just want to thank my husband Matt [Mr Tabor’s stepfather].

“He has been a rock to me the past few months and he made it a perfect day.

“I could not have done it without him.”

People can donate to the fund by logging on to justgiving.com/JordanTabor.