WOLVERCOTE city councillor Mike Gotch in the recent past has regularly voiced his personal dislike for delivery vans and trucks, saying they should be prohibited from stopping or parking to make collections or deliveries on our city streets.

Mr Gotch, it seems, is of the opinion that everything should travel by rail, without ever explaining how the raw materials and/or the finished goods would actually get to or from the railway – unless the railway itself went through every mine, factory and shopping centre in the country?

One assumes then that it would at some stage still need to go by road Mr Gotch?

I now note on the Lib Dem flyer that dropped unsolicited through my letterbox last week that he has “proposed three amendments” limiting train numbers and types, both freight and passenger, on the Oxford-Bicester-Marylebone line through Upper Wolvercote as he is concerned about noise and vibration on the east-west rail line, which coincidentally is close to where he lives.

I’m sure some other people might say that’s more than being a bit Nimby? I can’t possibly comment.

David Walter Close