AS a retired John Radcliffe Hospital porter and ex-Unison rep, I’m not surprised that the porters have voted 100 per cent to take strike action against Carillion’s proposed changes to shift enhancement pay that could cost porters £50+ per week, along with issues of enforced shift changes, job losses and some jobs being loaded with extra responsibilities.

Surely this being the case, there is a strong argument for a wage increase, not wage cuts, in view of porters already being among the lowest-paid within the NHS. They receive less than £8 an hour – well below the living wage.

It would appear that wherever Carillion is employed there always seems be industrial strife, as in Swindon where similar problems exist, and with baggage handlers at Heathrow. There certainly seems to be something wrong with their industrial relations record.

Isn’t it time Carillion got round the negotiating table with the reps that are currently banned from talking to the employers, porters, or going on site? How can an employer resolve problems with its workforce when a worker’s right to be represented are being flagrantly ignored?

Meaden Hill
Headington, Oxford