HOW true that the police, especially junior members, should not be permitted to determine what is reasonable (P Garland, July 6) “Tragic dad blasts ‘injustice’ of his summons for harassment” (June 24).

In many cases one might just as well leave it to the schoolchild with psychological – or is it socio-psychological? – problems who mocks, intimidates and assaults other pupils or the rural agglomeration learning difficulties resident. (Geddit? – PC).

Although not necessarily Mensa material, I should have thought the employees of the DPP were on balance more competent to make such decisions.

Mind you, I am rather baffled as to why the aforementioned correspondent should have bothered to send “true information, free and publicly available in newspapers and online” to the neighbours of convicted fraudster former Chief Inspector Tanya Brookes.

I doubt whether the retired solicitor will read this but, if I am not mistaken, regards to my native mid-Surrey.

Riverside Court