CELEBRATIONS marked the end of a month-long fast for thousands of Oxfordshire residents.

Muslims across the globe began fasting from dawn to dusk on June 18 for Ramadan, which came to an end on Friday.

Families basked under the summer sunshine as they enjoyed sweet treats and games during their Eid al Fitr festivities at Oxford Spires Academy.

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Hojjat Ramzy, director of Cowley-based Oxford Islamic Information Centre, said: “I find Ramadan is the most honourable month. “I’m really sad the month of Ramadan has gone.

“I was getting a lot of benefits, mentally and spiritually and I lost one or two pounds.”

Thousands poured into Cowley Marsh Park on Friday for mass prayers to mark the end of their fasting, while about 500 people joined celebrations at the Glanville Road school on Saturday.